Nitrous Junkie Racing

Motorcycle Drag Racing Team

Drachten Internationals 2011

15th - 17th July 2011

From the time we left the ferry at Calais to head onto Drachten, it was raining. By the time we got to Drachten, it was still raining , 5 hours on. We fleetingly had one of those awful "We could have stayed home for this weather, moments" But this soon passed when we got settled, met all the gang, The Family Van den Berg - "Shark Attack Drag Race Team", and from the English contingent, Binzi, Les Harris and Tara Reeve!

After setting up, and chewing the cud, we did some routine maintenance on the fuel bike, ready to fire up the following day.

Friday the weather still overcast, and intermittent showers, but the bike had also decided to develop a leak from the head gasket over night, so the head had to come off. Myself and Binz, under the close supervision of Rene, set about repairing this. It was a very frustrating day, and thanks to Binz for his relentless "sigh, lets get the head off" lament, as another problem reared its ugly head, once we warmed it up. The rest of the spent was spent repairing this, so didn't get out all all. We used the time wisely, and went over the bike totally. It was a strange experience for me, being in a foreign place, using foreign tools, that weren't mine, very alien !!

Saturday, the weather had cleared up, and we had a chat about the track. I asked Rene where I had to slow down, and turn off, and he replied "You don't turn off, you just stop, and pull to the side" So a little apprehensive about an unknown track, with a short run off on a Top Fuel Bike, we set off to do my first 8th mile pass of the weekend.

After the burnout, the wind was blowing all over the place, and the fumes were getting into my helmet. I didn't realize that I had lifted my head so high to try to get away from them, so Lizzy was on tip toes with her arm stretched high in the air, and "Pet" Binzi was struggling to see over the top of me to see her! Binzi has since been told to slap me on the head next time, and tell me to get my fat head out of the way!

The bike launched ok, felt a little squirmy, shifted gear, but I don't think I was on full throttle all the way, resulting in a 4.8 sec pass. I slowed down pulled over and sat chatting to the Funny bike guys who were already at the top end waiting for their tows. I was quite happy with the first run, the first one on an unknown track can be daunting.

Back to pits, serviced the bike, moved the foot pegs forward, as Rene was missing his lady! Changed my leathers for a crew shirt, to find I had nothing to do! Lizzy was starting the bike, taking it off stands (I never realized she did all of that!) , and directing back, and Binzi was pushing him back from the burnout. So in my new supervisory role, we went to do the run. Watching Rene riding was interesting, to see a totally different riding style. Considering it had been nearly a year since he last race, we will let him off for being slower than me - 4.9 secs - Good effort Boss ! Went and collected the man. to see a big grin! He was very happy to have been back on the bike. Back to pits foot pegs moved back, usual servicing and ready for the next one.

The next pass storming burnout, and had to break so that poor Binz didn't have to run after me too much! I remembered to keep my head out of the way so he could see Lizzy and all was well!. Launched, the bike still a little squirmy, but I determined to keep it nailed, until the 8th and was rewarded with a 4.6 @ 255 km/hr, and stopped at the other end with no mishaps.

All sorted for the following day, and we all went off to enjoy the hospitality at the track.

Sunday the weather didn't look like it was going to be on our side, Got one chance of a run after the Funny Bikes, Nice strong burnout again, but the ever vigilant Rene spotted a small leak and shut me down, which was kind of strange, as I didn't see him pull the lanyard and couldn't figure out why the engine was dying! Binzi and Rene pushed bike back to pits, and we decided to call it a day, so the bike could have the maintenance done in a workshop instead of trackside.

As always I must thank Rene, Corina, Ivana, Reintsje, Karim and Pops for the backup, fantastic hospitality and taxi service, the irrepressible Binzi for coming over to crew, what a star, and all round team player, every home should have one ! Les and Tara for the help and entertainment, and Lizzy for the behind the scenes organization for the trip, and the quick learning and getting to grips with the crewing side of things.

And Drachten ? Hope to see you again, maybe racing side by side against Rene...............................

Next trip out is the Bulldog Bash on the 11-14th August, where Kev, Lizz and Jake are all doing demos, on Top Fuel Bike, Comp Bike, and Junior respectively :)

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