Nitrous Junkie Racing

Motorcycle Drag Racing Team

Springspeed Nationals 2012

Kev’s Report - Pro Stock Bike

Pro Stock Bike is a very different animal to anything I have ridden before. It is seriously not as easy as they would have you believe. Obviously it is one heck of a lot lighter than the Top Fuel Bike from last year, it also does exactly what you ask it, in terms of steering, much much quicker !! You only have to glance anywhere but straight, and the bike will act accordingly! Because of this, I was doing more than a quarter mile on my runs, as I was going the long way round!.

Friday evening, I had to drop Lizzy and the caravan up to the track, as she unfortunately was involved in a head on collision the day before, breaking her wrists, spraining her back and unable to race and drive. To say she was disappointed is possibly an understatement, as she has not been given answers as to the extent of the damage to her, or how long she will be out of action. We all wish her speedy recovery, and hope that she gets fit enough to get back out there before the end of the season, even if only testing.

Richard Gipp and His crew Nigel were on hand to set up awnings and caravan for us, while I drove down to Southamptonto fetch Jake, who was competing in Junior Drag Bike. I must thank them, as all we had to do when we got back late that evening, was take the Junior out of the van! Thanks guys.

First Run Was the second qualifier. We decided that we had bikes to sort out for Jake and Bryony (she was doing observed runs) It was possibly more important to get them down the track first, plus it was too cold for the OAP's (me and Gipp) to race!

First run I put myself into stage crooked, and shot off towards the wall, short shifted, over corrected, but got to the finish line in one piece, with an 8.113 @ 160mph!

The wind at the top end was pretty fierce, from right to left, and I was beginning to worry where Lenny was, as I didn't want to get blown into his path. I didn't realise that he had had problems on the start line, and didn't race.

Commiserations to Mark Smith who broke a crank on his qualifier, putting him out of competition. Hope to see you back soon mate.

Back to pits bike prepped and ready for the following day.

Sunday's first run was an odd one. Came out of the burnout and one of the carbs was hanging, blipped the throttle a couple of times to try to shut the carb and a flame from the exhaust licked the side panel and caught the stickers on fire! I was totally oblivious to all the commotion, until the fire crew came and put me out! Back to pits cleaned the carbs, prepped bike and re sprayed side panel.

Photo Rob Cox

Second run - No fires this time, but I was still short shifting. I have got to get used to this revving thing, and its high RPM !! No improvement on time.

Monday the Heavens opened, and it was called.

I realise that I need more seat time, and we are hoping to get a test in before the Main Event.

Big Thanks to Gippy and Nigel for all the advise and support, mickey taking, and incredible curries!

Thanks too goes to my crew - Chris we missed you, Lizzy, stop being so impatient, do as you are told, and rest, Jake well done to you on your qualifying and dial ins, and Bryony - get you!! Knocking 2 seconds off your time, on the last observed, and rising above it all when things didn't go according to plan!

Thanks too to my sponsors Doug at Ensys and Steve at Motorshack.

Lizzy would also like to say thanks to everyone who has sent her get well wishes, it is so kind of you all, and quite over whelming.

Jake's report - Junior Drag Bike

We arrived at the track late Friday night to find the awnings already set up thanks to Gipp and Nige for helping Lizz, as she has 2 broken wrists, so all that was left to do was get my bike out of the van.

Saturday morning was mostly spent getting the wheelie bars on and doing the usual maintenance on the bike ready for scruitineering in a few hours. For my first run I decided to keep my dial in of 10.28 from Easter, as I hadn’t had a chance to adjust it at the Big Bang. I went into stage ready for a 5-second wait, Liam’s lights dropped and my side red lit, I ran my run, slightly miffed. When I got back dad told me I had rolled out of stage.

We decided not to do a burnout for the next run just because we still wanted to test the track after the previous run. I dialed in a 10.28 and ran an 11.014 at 61.22 MPH. The bike bogged a little off the line, a close race with only .182 in it.

After the bog on the last run we decided again, not to do a burnout. My dial in was 10.28 and after another slight bog, I ran an 11.213 at 63.11 MPH.

I decided to change my dial in to 11.0 for what would turn out to be my last run. The bike bogged and I ran an 11.121 @ 63.03 MPH

I would like to thank Dad, Lizz, Bryony, my Sponsors, Alan at RCP Training, Uncle Steve at Motorshack and all the staff at Shakespeare County Raceway.

Photos by Rob Cox

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